Maximise cross-channel & cross-platform media efficiency & conversions.

Optimise your activations towards performance with Arbitrage Engine™.

Solving Industry Problems.

Optimise your media activations towards your objectives.


Outcome-Based Analysis.
Start with your goals in mind.

Get the most out of your budgets & achieve your brand’s priority objectives in the process.

Define your outcome priorities -overall, by channel, and/or by platform. Our technology analyses relevant data points across your campaigns & activations to identify the areas driving the best combined performance.


Cross-Platform Decisions.
Budgets based on performance.

Compare platform performance equally against your objectives & review budget allocations based on true channel performance.

Aggregating media activity across all platforms allows our predictive performance models to identify the best areas of investment to achieve your brand’s specific objectives.


Cross-Channel Optimisation.
Maximise media efficiency.

Maximise your media spend potential & lift the right campaigns to the highest level of efficiency.

The Arbitrage Engine™ provides a single point of spend optimisation across all your media activity, providing strategic reallocation recommendations between campaigns, platforms & channels.

Built Around YOUR Business.

Solutions & results tailored to your role, specialism, and structure.

Trusted By Us & Our Clients.

The same technology optimises our clients’ performance.

Frequently asked Questions.

Things our users asked.

At the start of the process, as soon as you set up a new optimisation rule, the platform takes a benchmark of past and current performance. We use this as an indicative measure to show where performance has improved.

None at all. The Arbitrage Engine integrates directly with our Smart-Pacing Engine to protect from overspends and stay aligned to your pacing requirements. If we feel there is increased optimisation potential by adjusting pacing cycles and/or increasing your budgets, the platform will send you a notification.

We started with the two where most budgets are being managed, but expanding this is 100% on our roadmap. Please drop over a request as we will continue to prioritise this based on customer demand.

It’s on our short-term roadmap! For now, the platform insights provide these as a simplistic set of recommendations, making it easy for any media specialist to implement.

We’ll be integrating options to automate select notifications on a regular basis, giving you 24/7 always-on optimisation. This will be optional as we believe you should understand our recommendations before we automatically action any changes.

Still Unsure? Want to Know more?